═══ 1. Cover ═══ "Traveling Workplace" Object Manager Version 1.30 Copyright (c) Syntegration Inc. 1993, 1996. All Rights Reserved. 3811 Schaefer Avenue, #J Chino, California 91710 U.S.A. Tel: 909-464-9450 Fax: 909-627-3541 E-Mail:73707.3331@COMPUSERVE.COM ═══ 2. License Agreement and Limited Warranty ═══ This program, including its code and documentation, appearance, structure and organization is a product of Syntegration and is protected by copyright and other laws. Title to the program or any copy, modification or merged portion of the program shall at all times remain with Syntegration. LICENSE - The following restricted rights are granted: You may: 1. Use the Program only on a single computer. The Program may be transferred to and used on another computer as long as the program is de-installed from the original computer, and under no circumstances be used on more than one computer at a time. 2. If you purchased an Enterprise Edition license for this Program, you may use the Program on as many computers as you have licensed. 3. Transfer the Program with this license to another person, but only if the other person agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you transfer the Program and License, you must at the same time either transfer all copies of the program and its documentation to the same person or destroy those not transferred. Any transfer terminates your license. 4. Include the program as part of a system that you resell. If you include the program as part of another system you must include this license agreement, acknowledge our copyright in your system documentation, and comply with the transfer clause. YOU MAY NOT: 1. TRANSFER OR RENT THE PROGRAM OR USE, COPY OR MODIFY THE PROGRAM EXCEPT AS PERMITTED IN THIS AGREEMENT. 2. DECOMPILE, REVERSE ASSEMBLE OR OTHERWISE REVERSE ENGINEER THE PROGRAM. 3. REPRODUCE, DISTRIBUTE OR REVISE THE PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION. LIMITED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Syntegration warrants that the disk on which the Program is furnished will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 90 days from the date of delivery to you. ═══ 3. The Object Manager ═══ The Object Manager is an Workplace shell class that allows you to query, save, delete, and update other workplace shell objects. When you drop an object onto the object manager, a window displays the object's settings. When you open the object manager it allows you select from a list of available objects on your desktop. Once an object is selected its settings are displayed. From the Object Settings window you can save the object, delete the object, or update its settings. For details on the Object Manager features, select from the list below: o Object Settings o Object Selection o Updating an Object o Deleting Object(s) o Saving Object(s) o The default save directory o The icon directory ═══ 3.1. Object Settings ═══ The Object Settings displays all the information Object Manager can obtain about the selected object. Class The Object's Class is displayed in this field. This item is readonly. You cannot change the value. Title The object's title. The caret "^" is used as a line delimiter for multiple line titles. You can enter a new title if you wish. Location The Object's location is the Object ID of the Folder that contains it. If the folder does not have an Object ID, Then the file path of the folder is displayed. In most cases a folder's file path can be substituted for it's object ID. Object ID This is the Identity assigned to the object. An Object ID is a unique string preceded with a '<' and terminated with a '>'. The Object ID will remain with the object throughout its life unless you change it. You use the Object ID to refer to the Object with REXX programs or Object Make Files (*.OMF). You cannot change the Object ID field if the Object already has an Object ID with the '<' and '>' delimiters. to change such an Object ID, use the Settings entry field. Add an entry like "OBJECTID=NewObjectID;". Settings The Settings Multi-Line Entry field contains object settings in the "KEYNAME=VALUE;" pairs used to recreate objects. KEYNAMES are separated by semicolons and "VALUES" are separated by commas. If you want a literal comma enter '^,'. For a literal semicolon enter '^;' Refer to your user manual or on-line documentation for a detailed description of the setup keywords available for each Workplace Shell class. Styles Styles are setup options that lend themself nicely for display and update with checkboxes. Your user manual and on-line documentation describes each style in detail. The Pushbuttons at the base of the Object Settings window allow you to take the following actions on the object: o Update o Delete o Save o Convert ═══ 3.1.1. Updating an Object ═══ When you press the Update pushbutton Object Manager makes any changes that you entered into the Object Settings Window. With this function you can modify any setting. Refer to your user manual or on-line documentation for details on the "keyname=values;" that you can use. ═══ 3.1.2. Deleting an Object ═══ When you press the "Delete..." pushbutton Object Manager will destroy the object described in the Object Settings Window. It does not matter if the "No Delete" styles is set. Object Manager will make the object deleteable and then destroy it. If the Object is a folder, then all the objects inside will also be deleted. Please be careful when using this function. Once an object is deleted you cannot undelete it. However, you may be able to restore the object if it was backed up with the save function. You can use this function to delete duplicate templates that sometimes occur in your Templates folder. It's not a wise idea to destroy the whole Templates folder unless you know what you are doing. Object manager will not allow you to delete your desktop. ═══ 3.1.3. Saving Objects ═══ When you press the "Save..." pushbutton, Object Manager opens a file save dialog that prompts you to enter a file name. After selecting the file name Object Manager will save the object recreation information into an Object Make File (OMF) format. If you enter an existing file name Object Manager will ask if you want to append or overwrite the file. By appending to the file you can build a list of objects into one OMF. Object manager takes special action on Folders and their decendents by also saving all objects inside. This includes subfolders and objects in subfolders. Saving folders is a quick way to backup Workplace shell objects that can be restored later or onto another machine. The Object Editor is the restore counterpart for Object Managers save function. Refer to you user manual or on-line document for detailed information the Object Editor. ═══ 3.1.4. Converting Folders ═══ Object Manager will allow you to convert folders from one type to another. This function is only available with The Secure Workplace previous versions. ═══ 3.2. Object Selection ═══ The Object Manager's default view is the object selector window. This window appears when you double click the icon with a mouse. The Object Selector Window contains a list of the available objects in your Workplace. The Tree View works much like any Workplace shell tree. You can select an object by double clicking on it or by pressing the enter key when the object's icon is highlighted. Once your selection is made Object Manager will bring up the Object Settings window. ═══ 3.3. Save Directories ═══ The Default Save Directory is used by Object manager as the location for object save operations. This will be the default directory in the File Save As Dialog. The Icon Directory is used to store icon files. Icons that are part of the OS2.INI file are not available during a restore operation. By making a copy the icon and placing it in the icon directory we can make the icon available to the Object Editor at restore time.